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NIKE 2021

Nike currently has 1,096 retail outlets around the globe.

With an estimated market share in 28% and a revenue of EURO35 billion, the company has been around for 56 years. Adidas is next with a EURO24 billion (Statista)

Nike’s core values include giving back and supporting the community. Nike has set up several funds to achieve this goal:

Nike Community Impact Fund provides support for grassroots organizations within communities in the United States and Europe.

Nike School Innovation Fun teams up with Oregon school leaders to increase the number and quality of graduates and prepare students for college.

Nike N7 is a positive force for change in Native American and Aboriginal youth through getting them active.

More than 5,700 Nike employees are Nike Community Ambassadors and make a positive difference in the lives of children around the globe by coaching them in sport and play.

The brand doesn’t mind causing controversy, but it stands firm for its beliefs. Some people set fire to their Nike sneakers after the 2018 Dream Crazy ad, while others praised Nike for doing the right things.

Nike is a forward-thinking brand that combines innovation, great customer experiences online and offline, community engagement, and new designs. It will be around for a long time.

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